Student Notice

Orientation Program Link of Sem-I, 2020 start from 11 AM, 16th Dec, 2020

Orientation Program Link:

BA (G):

Undone orientation Programme is scheduled on 17th Dec,2020 using Google Meet.The orientation program is kept General subject wise.Google meet Link and Slot is already shared using Departmental Wapp Group.

BCOM (Gen) : Schedule provided later later at Same section.


BCOM (H) :

Students(Honours only ) of 1st Semester are requested to join the orientation program slotwise.

  • Slot :1ST Slot
  • Date :17/12/2020
  • Duration :11:00AM- 12:00PM
  • Eligible Students :Students whose name begin with “A” to “P”.
  • Slot :2ND Slot
  • Date :17/12/2020
  • Duration :12:30PM-1.30PM
  • Eligible Students :Students whose name begin with “Q” to “z”.

Steps to be followed:
Open Google Meet using the following link( )—> Click on “Join meeting” (Don’t Click on Present Meeting).
Instructions to be followed:
1. Join the program before 10 minutes of starting.
2. Mute your audio and video during program.
3. Unmute only when Teachers instruct to Unmute and during the interactions.


All other Department’s Orientation program has been completed, if any student left please contact respective Department.

Link related any update comes then reflected here.