Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff :

  1. Compliance with Orders
    1. Abide by orders or circulars related to punctuality, attendance, and assigned duties.
    2. Avoid unauthorized absence and overstaying leave during working hours.
  2. Examination Responsibilities
    1. Cooperate in exam-related tasks assigned by the competent authority.
    2. Assist in educational functions, including admission processes and record maintenance.
  3. Active Participation
    1. Assist teachers and actively engage in sports, cultural activities, and socially relevant programs.
    2. Contribute to overall student development.
  4. Efficient Duties
    1. Discharge duties efficiently and diligently according to college rules.
  5. Professional Behaviour
    1. Display high standards of professional conduct.
    2. Prioritize punctuality and discipline.
  6. Confidentiality
    1. Maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality regarding student and staff records.
  7. Respectful Interactions
    1. Interact respectfully with students, teachers, and colleagues.