
The missions of the college are all those plans, programs and actions that are considered necessary to translate its vision into reality. The mission statements of the college are :-

  • To strike a balance between quality and quantity on demographic considerations.
  • To upgrade the college into a three shift comprehensive co-educational institute of higher education with the introduction of different subjects under science, arts and commerce streams.
  • To maintain focus on commerce education for reasons of legacy.
  • To complete the construction of four storied college building on its own land within the main city limit.
  • To establish close contact between the students and the teachers through quality teaching-learning process.
    Encouraging students to perform better at the examinations.
  • To make the students better equipped to serve their own purpose, purposes of their family, locality, state and the country as a whole.
  • To contribute to a better and higher form of society with adequate knowledge based student community.
  • To implant core values, inculcate the sense of nationalism and nation building.
  • To integrate the college motto – “Knowledge is Power- Unity is Strength” to the institutional strategy to make the country powerful with sufficient knowledge base and securing integrity & development of the country with the strength of unity.


Effective delivery of quality education at an affordable cost to a maximum possible number of students for enhancement of knowledge, students’ empowerment and social development is the vision of the college. Expansion, excess, quality and performance are the four pillars of institutional vision. Creation of knowledge based society, skill development and nation building are the core activities of the vision.