Student Profile Mapping :(Learner Centric Practices)


To determine the abilities of students in an objective and quantifiable manner and identify the slow and advanced learners so that appropriate support can be provided by the institution.

  • 1. Better design instruction and materials
  • 2. Focus on knowing your students and helping students know themselves
  • 3. Analyse how the students’ profiles are progressing
  • 4. Learners learn how to create their own profiles
  • 5. Allowing Students to grow and learn

Student Profile Mapping

360-Degree Feedback


A 360-degree feedback also known as multi rater feedback is a process through which employer evaluates employee’s performance from as many sources as possible. The College has developed this anonymous employee performance review process known as "360-degree appraisal system" to monitor the scope, strength and weakness of the teachers for qualitative development.

360-degree feedback