Code of Conduct for Teachers:

  1. Responsible Conduct: Adhere to a responsible pattern of behaviour expected by the academic community.
  2. Professional Growth: Seek professional growth through study and research.
  3. Knowledge Building: Contribute to knowledge building through participation in professional meetings, seminars, and conferences.
  4. Active Membership: Maintain active membership in professional associations and build networks within academia.
  5. Duties and Responsibilities: Perform teaching, tutorial, practical, and seminar work as assigned by the institution.
  6. Community Service: Participate in extension, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities, including community service.
  7. Integrity and Impartiality: Teachers must maintain a high standard of integrity, impartiality, and devotion to duty, considering their esteemed position in society. Appropriate Behaviour: Teachers should avoid behavior that is improper, unbecoming, or derogatory to the institution, state, and nation.
  8. Responsibilities:
    1. Regularity: Attend classes regularly and complete syllabus on time.
    2. Design Tests: Create class tests and tutorials as required.
    3. Leave Management: Avoid unauthorized absence and overstay after leave.
    4. Examination Duties: Participate in exam-related tasks (question paper preparation, evaluation, etc.).
  9. Cooperation: Assist in educational functions, including admission processes and student counseling.
  • Active Participation: Engage in sports, cultural activities, and socially relevant programs with students for their holistic development.
  • Respectful Atmosphere: Foster mutual respect within and outside the institution, including interactions with colleagues and governing body members.
  • 11. Integrity and Behavior:
    1. Non-teaching staff must maintain a high standard of integrity, impartiality, and devotion to duty.
    2. Improper behavior that tarnishes the institution’s prestige is unacceptable.