Student Code of Conduct

As responsible members of our college community, students are expected to adhere to the following guidelines while on campus:

  1. Carry Your Identity Card: Every student must carry their college-issued identity card while present on the college premises. This helps maintain security and ensures easy identification.
  2. Maintain Cleanliness: Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness within classrooms, laboratories, and the campus in general. Dispose of trash properly and keep the environment tidy.
  3. Accountability: Students are answerable to the college authority for their behavior and conduct on the college premises. Respectful and ethical behavior is essential.
  4. No Obstruction: Any act that obstructs teaching, research, administrative activities, or other college proceedings is strictly prohibited. Let’s create a conducive learning environment for everyone.
  5. Prohibited Substances: Chewing paan, paan masala, gutka, tobacco products, smoking, or consuming intoxicating substances are strictly forbidden. Violators will face disciplinary action.
  6. No Playing Cards or Loitering: Playing cards, spitting, and loitering within the college and hostel campus are strictly prohibited. Such actions will result in severe consequences.
  7. Cell Phone Usage: Cell phones should not be used during class hours. Let’s maintain focus and respect the learning process.
  8. Property Theft or Damage: Attempted or actual theft of college property, personal belongings, or damage to any property (on or off-campus) is considered a punishable offense.
  9. Library Utilization: During leisure hours, students are encouraged to make the most of the college library. It’s a valuable resource for academic growth.
  10. Handle College Property with Care: Students should handle college furniture and materials carefully. Damage may lead to penalties or suspension.
  11. Prohibited Activities: Engaging in ragging, anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial, communal, immoral, or political expressions within the campus or hostel is strictly prohibited and punishable.
  12. No Unauthorized Circulation: Students must not circulate any printed materials within the college campus without permission from the Principal.
  13. Punctuality: Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the classroom after the scheduled start time.
  14. Attendance Requirement:
    a . Students must maintain a minimum of 75% attendance in lectures for each Paper.
  15. Stay Informed:
    a . Regularly check the Notice Board for important announcements related to academic schedules, events, and administrative updates.
    b . Visit the college website for additional information and resources.