Department of google-books

“শিক্ষার শেকড়ের স্বাদ তেঁতো হলেও এর ফল মিষ্টি “- এরিস্টটল
“আমরা যতই অধ্যয়ন করি ততই আমাদের অজ্ঞানতাকে আবিষ্কার করি “- শেলী
“নিজের অজ্ঞতা সম্বন্ধে অজ্ঞানতার মতঅজ্ঞান আর তো কিছু নাই” – রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
About Department
The department of Bengali started its journey initially as a compulsory language in this college, as earlier it was associated with a commerce college. Slowly years passed by and the department was empowered with General course and finally with Honours by the Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal. Honours in Bengali started in the college from the very early days of foundation of Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya. The department always maintains a healthy balance between teacher student-relation and always enhance the students for the participation of various cultural activities of the college. |
Infrastucture :
- The department has its own separate classroom .
- students are given notes/synopsis at end of each class.
- Sometime faculties use ICT ( Projector ) for their class lectures in the Seminar /Projector room of the college.
Library Facility:
- With the facility of central Library of the college, department also offers its students some reference books from the departmental book-club.
Future Plan:
- Enrichment of departmental library.We are planning to keep some rare books and more journals .
- More ICT class lecture with a separate AV room.
- Organise a National Level Seminar with more state level seminars on different literary issues.
- More cultural activities inside the department.
- Establish a permanent exhibition on history of Bengali Literature within the class room.
- Establishment of Audio Visual Library of Bengali Literature and Culture.
- Publish a Departmental Academic Journal.

Dr. Mausumi Bandyopadhyay,
Associate ProfessorEmail-Id:
Course Details
- UG- Semester Wise Three years B.A Honours Course (Under CBCS, University of Calcutta)
- Three Years B.A. Honours Course(1+1+1) ,