Faculty Details

Dr. Prashanta Ghosal
Designation: M.PHIL, Ph. D
Academic Activities: University / CollegeR.B.UR.B.U
- Bravely Fought the Queen: A Collection of Critical Essays (ISBN 978-819-21749-0-7), Edited by Pradip Ranjan Sengupta, “Legacy of their lives: Story of the Captive Queens”, Review Publication, 2011.
- The Epitaph in Grey’s Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, Reflection publication, Barnolipi, ISSN 2249-2666, Vol. 1, Issue II, 2011.
- “Multiplicity of ‘Power’ Of Rituals in Shri Jagannatha Temple”, The Criterion: An International Journal in English , ISSN 0976-8165, vol. 5, issue 3, 2014.
- “Eliot’s Personality and Historical Sense”, Research Scholar: An International Refereed Journal, ISSN 2320-6101, Impact Factor 0.793 (IIFS), vol 2, issue 3, 2014.
- “Bimala’s World”, “Theme of Nationalism/Swadeshi ”,”Significance of the Title” (3 chapters),
The Home And The World: A Critical Anthology, Edited by Sarbani Putatunda, ISBN 978-93-81231-12-8, Published by The Book World, 2015. - “The Subjugation of the Santali Women: A Chronological Evolution”, Transformation of Women: Interrogating the Discourse, ISBN 978-81-32-6-1, Pub: Papyrus, 2015.
- “A Psycho-Historical Study of the Mother Archetype in Selected Partition Films of Ritwik Ghatak”, Reflection on Post-Colonial Bengal: Society, Economy and Polity, ISBN 978-81-21808-9-2, Published by BKPRSN, 2016.
- “An Altered Structure of Consumption in Post-Apocalyptic Worldview”, The Criterion: An International Journal in English , ISSN 0976-8165, vol. 8, 2017.
- “The Traumatic Survival of the Neurotic Witness: Ghatak and His Jukti, Takko aar Gappo”, Nakshatra, A Bi-Lingual Peer Reviewed Research Journal, ISSN 2230-8377, vol vii, December 2018.
Seminars and Participations:
- Paper Presenter in Annual International U.G.C. Seminar on Literature and Visuals at Rabindra Bharati University in 2008.
- Paper Presenter in National Seminar on Texts and Discourses at University of Burdwan in 2009.
- Participated in U.G.C. Sponsored “Short Term Course And Awareness Programme For Positive Discrimination” at Equal Opportunity Centre, Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya in 2011.
- Participated in State Level Seminar on Viveknanda on Racial Harmony at Rabindra Bharati University, Centre for Peace and Racial Harmony in 2012.
- Paper Presenter in U.G.C. Sponsored State Level Seminar on “ Society, Economy and Polity: Reflection on Post Colonial Bengal” at BKPRSN in collaboration with West Bengal State University in 2013.
- Participated in U.G.C. Sponsored “Awareness Programme for Equal Opportunity and Positive Discrimination” at Equal Opportunity Centre, Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya in 2013.
- Paper Presenter in U.G.C. Sponsored National Seminar on Transformation of Women: Interrogating the Discourses at Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya in collaboration with Khudiram Bose Central College, Kolkata in 2015.
- Participated in Workshop on “Use of ICT in Teaching-Learning and Administrative Practice” organized by IQAC, Calcutta Girls’ College in 2017.
- Participated in One Day University Level Workshop on “The Application of ICT in Teaching-Learning and Administrative Practice” organized by IQAC, Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya, 2017.
- Participated in Workshop for Academic Administrators on ‘Catalytic Role of IQAC in Higher Education Institutions’ held in UGC-HRDC (Formerly UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Calcutta in 2017.